The Boats
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Features By Design
Design Guidance
your boat, your design, your wishes! Our design studio will guide you through the design process, incorporate your wishes and provide recommendations to ensure overall design integrity is maintained.
Solar Power
the PV panels and battery packs are custom matched to your cruising desires & budget. Designed to allow upgrades should your requirements change.
Ai. Boat
software service platform (hardware agnostic) providing WiFi, Bluetooth connectivity, mail server, GPS location & real-time maps with full monitoring & control onboard and remotely.
Battleship Stern
aesthetically pleasing and ‘slip-free’ design provides improved safety within locks.

available in mild or stainless steel with 5 or 10 year warranty.
Plumb Bow
reduced motion resistance in water, less power required giving faster top speed, increased range, plus maximum waterline length giving more space.
Shallow Vee Hull
reduced motion resistance, better handling characteristics, & improved bilge yet retains stability displacement benefits of a flat bottom.
matched to intended use. Air-cooled to the maximum power transfer efficiency, easy to maintain, maximum longevity.
designed to meet and exceed Lloyd’s Register rules ensuring a structurally rigid & safe marine hull. Greater flexibility in accommodating your design wishes including larger windows or even a panoramic glass roof!
interior design & layout supported by computer modelling to provide optimal ballasting to ensure maximum cruising efficiency.
Rudder Design
improved waterflow across the surface, giving improved steerage way with minimal drag.
Propellor Design
matched to the motor and hull to yield improved power transmission and efficiency.
The flagship of the fleet, embodying the full breadth of design features to create a unique and exemplar vessel. It is easy to manoeuvre, self-sufficient and provides you with the freedom and confidence to cruise and enjoy our great British waterways. Power options to suit cruising on rivers and canals are available.

Camelot Grande & Midi
The Camelot model has been developed from the Excalibur for clients expressing a desire for more space and willingness to compromise on navigable available waterways. Built as Grande (60’ x 12’6”) and Midi (40’ x 9’6”) the Camelot combines the Excalibur integrated systems with its design expanded to create a greater living space with twin-screw propulsion. Power options to suit cruising on rivers and canals are available.

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